Monday, April 4, 2011

Already Compromised

Ken Ham has come out with another book--a sequel to the very popular book Already Gone:Why Your Kids Will Quit Church and What You Can Do About It. This new one is called Already Compromised.

"The book Already Gone was based on research conducted into why two thirds of young people are leaving the church. The research was carried out by America’s Research Group (ARG), headed by renowned and respected researcher, Britt Beemer.

Then ARG was commissioned to conduct a study into what is actually being taught at Christian colleges regarding the Bible’s infallibility, inspiration, inerrancy, how they viewed the book of Genesis, etc.

The results are sadly quite shocking."

--Ken Ham, Answers In Genesis blog

Are we losing this generation? 
 What can we do to prevent it?


For those who like to watch movies instead of reading,
did you know that there is an Already Gone DVD?
I just discovered it this morning!