Do you see what it says at the top of this blog?
6 Days Till Thanksgiving.
Six Days.
Count 'em . . . 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6.
Six Days until this:
turns into this:
to be carved up by this:
Howard, November 2008, sporting his traditional Thanksgiving plumage: The Turkey Shirt. |
But this year, I'll be cooking and he'll be carving in a rejuvenated kitchen.
The 2010 version of this picture will have Howard, The Turkey Shirt, the turkey, but this new background:
Yes, the kitchen is done -- painted, papered, newly knobbed.
Messy still, and disorganized. But done.
It's not quite ready for all of its closeups; I've still got organizing and putting-away to do.
The soapstone needs oiling, everything needs a good cleaning.
Things need to be put up on the walls. Pretty things. Practical things.
Our tools are still in the room. Yes, that's a level on the jam cupboard.
And everyone who lives in a very old house is now snickering
at the thought of using a level in a house where ain't much level anymore.
Switchplates and outlet covers are not all back. Indeed, one has gone missing entirely.
The dishes that live on the faux-Welsh-dresser-thingy
-- aka Jabba The Hutch --
are still stacked on a table in the study.
-- aka Jabba The Hutch --
are still stacked on a table in the study.
But all in all, we're pleased.
It took much longer than we thought it would.
Partly because Life kept interfering.
Partly because we forgot how very fiddly it is to paint kitchen cabinets.
And to wallpaper.
A full reveal, with all the bells and whistles, on Monday.
And I can scratch KITCHEN off the T.B.D.B.T. List!
Here's the thing about the To Be Done By Thanksgiving list -- it's all about motivation. For me, for Howard.
Our guests may say, "Oh, the kitchen looks nice!"
Maybe a couple will notice if we get that new fabric up on the windows in the dining room.
But I'm the one to whom it's important, and using the deadline of Thanksgiving as a motivator works well for me.
And if you ask Howard, he will wisely say it's important to him, too.
It's a self-delivered kick in the pants.
Note to self: stop wearing those steel-toed boots.
But I'm really glad we turned a 1980s-looking kitchen into
a more appropriate 1880s-looking space.
Go visit other Show and Tell Friday posts at Cindy's My Romantic Home blog -- Click here!
P. S. Anyone interested in nice solid brass cabinet knobs? I know where you can get some.
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