Up until yesterday, it was still nearly 100-degrees around here, with a tropical storm breathing down our humid necks, but it's a funny thing --
maybe it's the knowledge that it's September already,
maybe it's the leaves already scattered on the lawn,
maybe it's Thanksgiving looming up in my rear-view mirror . . .
. . . but I'm about ready kiss the Summer of 2010 goodbye, and feather our nest for Fall.
Our grapes are ready to leave their viney nest, for their next life as JAM! |
The local bees are swarming the newly pinked-up sedum; that must BEE some mighty good pollen. :-) |
The Black-Eyed Susans are starting to lose their chirpiness, and the Phlox is almost gone. Time to go buy Mums! |
And inside That Old House, the dreaded
T.B.D.B.T List is starting to take shape.
What, you ask, is a TBDBT List?
It is my To Be Done By Thanksgiving wish list -- full of projects and fix-ups.
I've been doing this list for years, since we began hosting family Thanksgivings, way back in Moses' time.
Routine things like cleaning and cooking aren't on the TBDBT List; it is reserved for those
special projects I'd like to have completed by that last Thursday in November, but that are not critical.
Right now the TBDBT List is in its infancy; I'll have it firmed up by the middle of next week.
But one thing is definitely on it: the dining room draperies.
Confession time: that fabric wasn't my first, or even my 8th, choice, but it was a cheap 50% off buy at JoAnne's and has served its purpose. I never even bothered properly hemming the bottoms; just serged fabric and lining and left it at that.
But I adore beautiful fabrics and color, and have been cruising Fabric Guru, my favorite
online fabric seller, for a knockout material for new winter curtains in that room.
I want red. Just to add a jolt of color in that bland and neutral room, you know?
What, you ask, is a TBDBT List?
It is my To Be Done By Thanksgiving wish list -- full of projects and fix-ups.
I've been doing this list for years, since we began hosting family Thanksgivings, way back in Moses' time.
Routine things like cleaning and cooking aren't on the TBDBT List; it is reserved for those
special projects I'd like to have completed by that last Thursday in November, but that are not critical.
Right now the TBDBT List is in its infancy; I'll have it firmed up by the middle of next week.
But one thing is definitely on it: the dining room draperies.
Confession time: that fabric wasn't my first, or even my 8th, choice, but it was a cheap 50% off buy at JoAnne's and has served its purpose. I never even bothered properly hemming the bottoms; just serged fabric and lining and left it at that.
Let's call it "puddling," shall we? |
online fabric seller, for a knockout material for new winter curtains in that room.
I want red. Just to add a jolt of color in that bland and neutral room, you know?
I've picked out some likely candidates from among Fabric Guru's offerings.
Here they are, grouped in collages. The closeups are up top, and long shots below.
There are cottons, linens, tapestries, damasks, jacquards, and one cotton velvet.
You can click once, then twice, on pictures to greatly enlarge them for detail.
You can click once, then twice, on pictures to greatly enlarge them for detail.
What do you think? Take a look again at the dining room:
and then, if you are so inspired, please vote in the comments section for the fabric
you would choose -- there are numbers on each paired fabric.
Me, I'm leaning toward . . . well, no, I'll see what you say first!
Oh! If you prefer the simple gold draperies, that's #12 and you can vote for that.
Of course, you'd be wrong. :-P
By the way, I've ordered samples of all of these fabrics.
Wait till you see them taped up on the dining room woodwork. . . .
And one more thing! I browsed Craigslist in my never-ending quest for quirky and
useful little tables, and found several -- most 10 or 20 dollars. Here they are -- whatcha think?
So as I plan my Saturday ... do you think I should plan on loading any of these into the back of the trusty minivan?
Which one would you adopt?
Friday Linky Parties are listed below -- click on any highlighted words to be whisked away!
Tootsie is featuring the most amazing dahlias today!
Claudia at Dipity Road is into Finding Beauty on Fridays.
She's got some adorable pictures of Halloween-to-come decor; don't miss it!
She's got some adorable pictures of Halloween-to-come decor; don't miss it!
And Cindy hosts Show and Tell Friday at her lovely My Romantic Home blog.
She's featuring some beautiful summertime jewelry today -- as always, gorgeously photographed!
She's featuring some beautiful summertime jewelry today -- as always, gorgeously photographed!
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