A nice Summer evening walking through the gardens and celebrating the next stage in a friend's life. You can't help but be in a good mood after an evening like this.
The bride-to-be on the left and her best friend and my sort-of cousin (long story) on the right.
In lieu of a bunch of little gifts, most people pooled in for a big box of goodies for the bride.
Our hostess is a nurse, so of course she had to make up her own first aid kit for the bride. Safety first, ladies.
Now for the big gift. It may seem like an odd gift for a bride to some people, but for this little lady it was just right....
...a brand new tent...for two ;)
And of course we had to throw in a few funny bridal shower surprises too.
...including Daisy Duke patterned underwear, hahaha!
My mom came around for the festivities and we shared a couple of glasses of champagne. It may be a weeknight, but who's counting when you're celebrating, right?
To top off the evening, we all dug into some amazing desserts. Food, games and friends on a nice Summer evening. I'm going to miss this all when the weather gets cooler.
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