Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's A Beautiful Tuesday! (World's Latest Tuesday Blog Post!)

And why, you ask, is it a beautiful Tuesday?

1)  It is no longer steaming hot, the AC is off, and the windows are thrown open to fresh air.
2)  I am no longer under the weather, and feeling good beats feeling crummy; antibiotics are my friend.
3)  Howard is no longer unemployed.

Yup, after 5 months of having hubby at home and underfoot (which I rather enjoyed!), Howard starts a new job Monday with Fox Business Network.  I will miss the old pest the dear boy, but a regular paycheck is a thing of beauty.  That Old House has a mortgage.

Downside:  I will have to make my own breakfast again.

The other downside is that I'll have to actually DO something.  I've let my projects mostly slide here in favor of hanging out with Howard, but he'll be gone for 10 or 12 hours each day, and I can't spend all that time blogging!

Welcome to one of those neglected projects.  Meet the Pink Room Vanity.

I think most women have a fondness for vanities, or dressing tables.  Who doesn't love
a piece of furniture dedicated to holding all the stuff that makes us smell good and look pretty?

There's no room in the master bedroom for a dressing table, but there is space in the Pink Guest Room.
And enough of that room's chosen fabric to make a skirt for the table.

It's got one of those tops shaped like a kidney bean, but the top is in kinda rough shape.
I will either paint it, or give it a good sanding and a coat of wipe-on poly and see how it looks.
The wood is nice, if I can restore it, and it will be more durable than a painted finish.

It has arms!

Those arms swing out, so you can get to the drawers hiding underneath
the beautiful skirt that the piece should be wearing.
(The missing knobs are in the drawers.)

I love the scars of past lives on the old things we bring home.
You can see the marks of old tacks and nails, where skirts were attached in years gone by.

This is the fabric I will use for the skirt.

I got this fabric originally for the dining room; it's all wrong for there.
Luckily one of the pinks in the roses is a sweet match for the Benjamin Moore Shell Pink of this room's walls.

I think it will look terrific as a dressing table skirt.
And curtains.  And maybe a dust ruffle.  Or a loveseat slipcover.  We'll see!

Note to self:  Get sewing machine serviced.  It's not working. 
I hope Tam at The Gypsy's Corner will forgive me for my goofy Three Or More List at the top of the post;
hers was one of the first blog parties I was brave enough to join!  Visit The Gypsy's Corner for more.

At Coastal Charm, it's Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays.  You know you want to . . . .
And at House Of Grace, you can see who else is a Twice Owned Queen!
 And if you are wondering what my new old dressing table has to do with thrifty finds . . . 
well, it was a Craigslist bargain and cost me all of $20.  Sweet.  -- Cass