My daughters set the table with care...
We filled the table with handmade namecards, bubbles, squawkers, etc. The menu consisted of fruit-kabobs, pizza, American Girl Doll tea cookies, strawberries, punch, fruit-flavored tea, mints, nuts, cheese & crackers and the like. I tried to keep things simple so I wouldn't have to fuss to much over the menu. They even got to use candy canes to stir their tea!
Many dolls showed up ...from American Girl, Life of Faith, Beautiful Girlhood, and Our Generation!
Here are the gals and their dolls, we took plenty of pictures of them and they got to pose with their dolls.
One of the gals surprised Naomi with a special Christmas song on the piano, which was just sooo sweet. Janai, my oldest daughter, also played a few songs on violin for the girls before they started the tea party. Janai had taken the initiative and showed thoughtful creativity by making little card Haikus out of all the names of the girls that she presented them with at the tea that they got to take home with them.
The cake was pink and had a tiara and teacups---all in all, it was quite a special and memorable day...
Good-bye now!
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